About company
Leader among biofuels
WRATISLAVIA-BIODIESEL S.A. is one of the leaders in the field of biofuel production in Europe
Products offered by our company include: Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) pharmaceutical and technical glycerine, bioethanol.
The company’s mission is to provide a market with raw material that will replace petroleum and will become a widely used, legitimate component for the industry. Due to this the industrial fuel consumption will no longer cause excessive emission of pollutants. These fuels can be also successfully used in production of household articles.
The company’s policy is based on three pillars: innovative technological solutions, environmental care and implementation of renewable energy sources. All of produced materials are nontoxic and environment friendly, because biofuels are considered to be so-called clean energy sources. In future it will also be possible to use unconventional materials for production.
In accordance with its strategic goals, the Company aims at expanding its infrastructure, diversifying the products’ portfolio and entering new markets. Among main customers of the Company are PKN Orlen and LOTOS S.A.
WRATISLAVIA-BIODIESEL S.A. has established a stable market position and is a profitable brand, which due to professional management and consistent strategy is consecutively growing and increasing revenues.
The Chairman of the board of directors
WRATISLAVIA-BIODIESEL S.A. obtained licenses, certificates and authorizations necessary for operating in the biofuel industry.
KZR INiG Certificate for FAME and Bioethanol production, trading and storage
System of certification of biofuels and bioliquids (the KZR INiG System) relating to the sustainability criteria was developed in the Oil and Gas Institute in Poland.The rules of the KZR INiG System are based on requirements stated in Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 23, 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC (further referred to as the RED or Renewable Energy Directive). The requirements of the KZR INiG System are in line with the aims defined in the Directive, and they also take into account local conditions. The KZR INIG System is on the list of approved voluntary schemes at pos. no. 17.
Corporate social responsibility
WRATISLAVIA-BIODIESEL S.A. activities within the production process are performed in accordance with the rules of sustainable development. The Company is very active in the field of environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources. All products are biodegradable and nontoxic, and all processes meet strict European norms and quality standards.
One of the domains in which the Company concentrates its activities is endorsement and development of renewable energy sources, which currently are among priorities of the European Union policies.
In addition to its operations WRATISLAVIA-BIODIESEL S.A. supports international appeals to decrease import of petroleum and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.